Attempting the LiveView Twitter Clone
Yesterday, Chris McCord released the new LiveView demo Build a real-time Twitter clone in 15 minutes with LiveView and Phoenix 1.5. I had decided to play with LiveView already, and had already started working through some basic Elixir tutorials, so I thought I'd give it a try. I hit …
Amazon EC2 serves Split DNS
The very long DNS names AWS gives you for static IPs resolve public IPs for external requests and internal IPs for internal requests. How we got here Way back when I first set up machines in AWS, I put the external IPs they gave us in as A records in …
Disabling the analyzers in the Refactoring Essentials extension
I installed the Refactoring Essentials for Visual Studio while looking for a specific refactoring. After playing with it for a little while, I noticed that it had wired it's analyzers in without an easy option to disable them. The developers of the extension want you to mess with rulesets to …
All Day Devops 2016
All Day Devops is an all online conference that was held on on November 15, 2016. I planned on taking the day off to attend, but then realized I couldn't handle listening at 1x. There were a bunch of nice looking talks, but it was not very "Dev" heavy. I …
TriAgile 2016 Schedule
I bought my ticket to TriAgile 2016 this week. I think this is the first conference I've been to this year. This page is mostly for me to remember what sessions I want to go to, so here they are: 8:00 am - 9:00 am Opening Keynote – Jurgen Appelo …
How We Test: Per Bug Environments
When I started, we had three environments: dev, test, and production. Having everyone push to dev caused problems with incomplete and buggy code being migrated along with working code when branches were merged to test and eventually production. To alleviate this, and QA to pass or fail bugs individually, we …
Less interesting Giant Robots episodes
I've been listening to the Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots Podcast for a while now. Sadly I today moved the podcast out of my active feed list due to their recent content changes. Last night, I sent this email in to the contact address: Greetings …